What is nose aesthetics (Rhinoplasty)?
The face is the most outstanding part of a human being which takes attention at first glance. In this case, readjusting the deformities in this region is essential in terms of aesthetics and psychology. With the development of applied techniques in the field of medicine and the innovative methods, the surgeries relating to rhinoplasty are performed much more easily in nowadays condition relative to the past. Nose aesthetics applications named rhinoplasty can be an important requirement for both aesthetic expectations and adjusting health issues. As a result of the elimination of the disorder with an aesthetic operation, the person can both breathe more healthily and have the desired nose shape.
What is nasal aesthetics?
Nasal aesthetics, also known as nasoplasty and rhinoplasty, is one of the most common aesthetic operations. It is performed to eliminate deformities that are congenital in the nose, formed later, or due to traumas. The deformity is corrected in some cases only it relating to facial harmony which causes visual discomfort, but it should also be corrected when it results in impaired breathing caused by structural defects in most people. Regardless of the reason for the aesthetic operation, the primary aim of rhinoplasty is to make the respiratory tract in the nose work satisfactorily at the end of the application. During the operation, one or more of the following operations are applied; reshaping the nose, removing and correcting deformities, or changing the shape of a part. The convenience of the nasal tissues for aesthetic operation should be checked during the examination by the surgeon. Rhinoplasty operations must be performed by a specialist surgeon since the slightest intervention has very significant results. Rhinoplasty, which can be applied to both men and women, is a complicated operation. Achieving the expected result fully requires a period of 6 to 12 months. This period varies according to the hardness of the operation, the structure of the tissues in the nose, or the severity of the problem. After the surgery, some minor correction applications may be required to obtain the desired shape in some patients..
What is nasal tip aesthetics?
The nasal tip shape is one of the most essential parts of the nose which impacts the overall facial balance and symmetry. Deformities commonly seen at the nasal tip can be listed as follows:
• Nasal tip that is enlarged or bulbous.
• Nose tip that looks like squeezing.
• Re-balancing of nostrils enhancing the symmetry.
• Droopy nasal tip.
• Upturned nasal tip.
• Hooked nasal tip.
Nasal tip aesthetic operations, which are a sub-branch of nose aesthetics, are used in patients with the problems mentioned above. In these operations, the bone part of the nose is not touched, only the soft tissue and cartilage part located at the tip of the nose are treated. For this reason, they are easier operations than rhinoplasty. The applications performed before and after the surgery is almost the same as other nasal aesthetic surgeries. The operation time is shorter and all procedures are completed within a period of 30-60 minutes. Patients are usually discharged on the same day. The recovery time is also shorter than rhinoplasty surgeries.
Reasons for nasal aesthetics?
The first reason for nasal aesthetics is the occurrence of breathing problems due to a congenital or later deformity in the nose. The deformity that causes breathing problems may be a visible disorder, or it may be a disorder located in the inner part of the nose that cannot be noticed from outside. The second reason is that the person may be uncomfortable with the appearance of his/her nose and wants to have a different shape. Among all this, the following reasons require rhinoplasty surgery; curvature or protrusion in the bone part of the nose, deformities observed in the cartilage structure, larger nose concerning facial balance, and nasal asymmetry. Completely personal preferences play a role in operations performed for aesthetic purposes. Although some people have a very large or protruding nose, and they are fully satisfied with the appearance, while some people may prefer a different nose shape despite having a normal nose structure. Consequently, rhinoplasty operations are very common operations that can be performed due to health problems or personal preferences..
How is rhinoplasty surgery performed?
Rhinoplasty surgery is a type of operation that is mostly performed under general anesthesia. In simple rhinoplasty operations requiring small corrections can be applied under local anesthesia according to the surgeon's preference. While the operation takes 2 hours on average, a rhinoplasty operation usually takes 1 day, in total with pre-operative preparations and post-operative applications and observation periods.
Two different nasal aesthetic techniques are commonly preferred. The first technique is open rhinoplasty, a small incision is made between the nostrils to provide a wider application area for the surgeon. Generally, this technique is preferred for people with advanced nasal deformities or who have previously undergone a different nose aesthetic operation. The working area expands and gets wider which is the greatest advantage of the open technique. Besides, the majority of the problems such as edema and bruises after the operation and the healing period is much longer. In the second technique, closed rhinoplasty, the incision is adjusted to remain within the nostrils. The surgeon has a narrow vision compared to the open technique, but the recovery time is shorter and there is no scar left on the nose after the operation. The closed rhinoplasty technique is generally preferred for smaller correction deformities..
How long is the rhinoplasty recovery period?
Although the recovery period varies according to the hardness of the operation, patients can usually start to walk around 4 - 6 hours later, and if there is no nausea and vomiting after 6 hours, they can start to eat. Usually, patients are discharged on the same day, but in some cases, they are discharged the next day after being kept under observation for 1 night. At the end of the surgery, tampons are usually placed in the nose and removed 1-2 days later. The nasal pack mold placed on the back of the nose is removed approximately 1 week after the operation. After the surgery, patients can return to their work within 7 to 10 days, if no complications occur. It is normal for swelling and bruises to occur after the operation, and it decreases to a level that can be covered with make-up in 1 week-10 day. 75 - 80% of the edema disappears 1 month after the operation. The desired planned shape and full recovery are achieved one year after the operation. During this process, it is normal to see an edema problem in the nasal area in the morning, it disappears in the following hours. If you are uncomfortable with the appearance of your nose or if you think there is a structural disorder, you can get detailed information about the process by applying to specialist physician.