What is Dermapen?

This application helps to increase the amount of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the skin by opening micro canals with a special device. Dermapen treatment ensures to get rid of acne scars, large pores, sun spots, stretch marks, skin sagging, and age-associated wrinkles, which are among the skin problems. .

How is dermapen applied?

With Dermapen application, microscopic channels are opened and vitamins that will help the area of ​​application to improve are transmitted subcutaneously.

Anesthetic cream can be used to reduce the pain that will be felt before Dermapen application. This process is added about half an hour before the application.

Dermapen contains 0.50 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm and 2.5 mm depth microneedles. & nbsp; While the procedure is being attached, the dermapen is passed through vertical angles over the skin. The factors to be applied are absorbed into the skin after the creation of micro channels and a form is expected for absorption.

In practice, the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid is supported by creating light or medium-level damage on the skin, so that the skin renews itself and eliminates the problems.

With Dermapen application;

V & uuml; cutta supports repair and reconfiguration,
Wide strength helps in healing the cues,
Supports firmness of the skin,
Helps to remove acne and acne scars, skin blemishes, scars on the skin,
The number of sessions of Dermapen treatment varies depending on the individual, and & nbsp; 2-6 sessions can be applied at intervals of 1-2 weeks..